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What Sugars Can You Have on Keto?

The ketogenic diet has been gaining popularity in recent years for its numerous health benefits, including weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and increased energy levels. However, one of the biggest challenges for people following a keto diet is giving up sugar. Sugar is a staple ingredient in many foods and is often found in unexpected places, making it difficult to avoid.

But fear not! Contrary to popular belief, not all sugars are off-limits on a keto diet. In fact, there are several types of sugars that you can consume in moderation while still maintaining a state of ketosis.

In this article, we will explore the different types of sugars you can have on keto and how to incorporate them into your diet while still staying on track.

What Sugars Can You Have on Keto?

1. Natural Sugars

Natural sugars are found in whole, unprocessed foods and are a great option for those on a keto diet. These types of sugars are typically lower in carbs and have a lower glycemic index, meaning they won’t cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels.

Some examples of natural sugars include:

  • Fruits: Most fruits contain natural sugars, but some are lower in carbs than others. Berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, are particularly keto-friendly due to their high fiber content.
  • Vegetables: Certain vegetables, such as sweet potatoes and carrots, contain natural sugars but are still acceptable on a keto diet in moderation.
  • Honey: While honey is a natural sugar, it is high in carbs and should be consumed sparingly on a keto diet.

2. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are a popular option for those on a keto diet as they provide a sweet taste without the carbs. There are several types of artificial sweeteners available, including:

  • Stevia: Stevia is a natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the stevia plant. It is zero-calorie and has a glycemic index of zero, making it a great option for those on a keto diet.
  • Erythritol: Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that is commonly used as a sugar substitute. It has zero net carbs and is safe for those on a keto diet to consume in moderation.
  • Monk Fruit: Monk fruit is a natural sweetener that has zero calories and zero carbs. It is often combined with other sweeteners, such as erythritol, to create a sugar-like taste.

3. Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohols are another type of sweetener that can be consumed in moderation on a keto diet. These types of sweeteners are typically lower in carbs than regular sugar and are often used as a substitute in sugar-free products.

Some examples of sugar alcohols include:

  • Xylitol: Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is commonly used as a sugar substitute. It has a glycemic index of 7, making it a great option for those on a keto diet.
  • Sorbitol: Sorbitol is another sugar alcohol that is commonly used as a sugar substitute. It has a glycemic index of 9, making it a slightly higher-carb option than xylitol.
  • Maltitol: Maltitol is a sugar alcohol that is commonly used in sugar-free candies and other products. It has a glycemic index of 36, making it a higher-carb option that should be consumed in moderation.


Q: Is it okay to consume sugar on a keto diet? A: Consuming sugar is generally not recommended on a keto diet, as it can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels and kick you out of ketosis. However, certain types of sugars, such as natural sugars and artificial sweeteners, can be consumed in moderation while still staying on track with your keto goals.

Q: How much sugar can I have on a keto diet?

A: The amount of sugar you can consume on a keto diet depends on your individual goals and needs. In general, it’s best to limit your sugar intake as much as possible to stay in a state of ketosis. Aim for less than 20 grams of net carbs per day, and choose keto-friendly sweeteners like stevia or erythritol when you do indulge in something sweet.

Q: Can I have sugar-free products on a keto diet?

A: Yes, you can have sugar-free products on a keto diet, but it’s important to check the ingredient list for any hidden carbs or sugar alcohols. Sugar alcohols, while lower in carbs than regular sugar, can still have an impact on blood sugar levels and should be consumed in moderation.


While sugar can be a difficult ingredient to give up on a keto diet, there are still plenty of sweet options available that won’t kick you out of ketosis. Natural sugars found in whole foods, as well as artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols, can all be consumed in moderation while still maintaining a state of ketosis.

Remember, the key to success on a keto diet is to keep your net carb intake low and choose high-quality, nutrient-dense foods. By incorporating keto-friendly sweeteners into your diet and being mindful of your sugar intake, you can still satisfy your sweet tooth while reaping the many benefits of a ketogenic lifestyle.

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